Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Profiles or Presets?

Using Profiles vs. Using Presets
Using presets in Lightroom is almost a second nature to many of it's users, whether they download them or create their own. It's a workflow that saves time and effort.
However, presets alter the image AFTER Lightroom (or Photoshop) has rendered the Raw data and created the initial color image. This stage uses by default, one of Adobe's standard profiles. You can see which profile was used for the default rendering in the Camera Calibration tab in both Lightroom and Photoshop ACR window. It will be either Adobe Standard or ACR and a the version number:

For some camera models you can choose a camera standard profile, such as Camera Landscape, Camera Portrait etc. Standard profiles from Adobe contain PERCEPTUAL data which has its limitations.

So, are there any other profiles?
Yes, there are and they are called - PSKiss Color Profiles. These custom made profiles, contain CREATIVE data. This means that the image is already applied with creative adjustments before you ever needed to do anything

Now you can make your personal adjustments with ACR or Lightroom, on top of a creative DNG profile – for faster workflow, better utilization of ACR and Lightroom tools and much more flexibility.

See the advantages of using DNG profiles instead of regular presets:

Here are some samples

Landscape / Scenery:

In this free video tutorial you can learn about the benefits of PSKiss Color Profiles:

Special thanks and hugs to our contributing photographers (in random order...):